Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Hey everyone, I wanted to give you all an update on our baby girl's progress. We had a disappointing setback today. I went in for my regular OB checkup and our Dr was able to pick up an irregular heartbeat when she listened. She then did a sonogram which showed an irregular beat every now and then. She immediately sent me to see the high risk perinatologist (the doctor who picked up on her heart defect originally) and he did another specialized sonogram. He was able to tell that she was throwing a PAC (premature atrial contraction or extra heart beat) about every 20th beat or so. He looked at the rest of her and she still looks good. She's growing and not showing any signs of compromise from the heart arrythmia. He then went back to her heart and she started throwing these beats much more frequently - about every third to fifth beat. He grew much more concerned as we watched her do this for a few minutes. He called the cardiologist at Children's and they were mildly concerned about this. They say that if she didn't already have a compromised cardiac condition this would not be concerning. As long as she's able to sustain the irregular beats without it effecting her growth or circulation we're okay. So....instead of going to Children's for our work up at 30 weeks, we're going tomorrow. We will tour the ICU and everything, have another fetal echo, and then meet Dr Forbess, our surgeon. The cardiologist wanted to get a baseline look at what exactly it is her heart is doing, plus look at her anatomy and cardiac structure now that she's bigger. We're begging again for your constant, urgent, and bold prayers on our baby's behalf. We continue to believe that God is in complete control here and he will not leave us. We know he continues to love us and our sweet baby girl. Thank you again for the encouragement and love you all have shown our family in the last few months.

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